16 November 2006

so what's it *like* to be a band whore?

I just read my goofy little description about what stinkrock was supposed to be about. listmaking and ranting, for sure, and I need to update the description. but that "3+ bands" thing isn't really coming through, is it? Have you ever really wondered what it's like to be a band whore? Here's a glimpse of the last 4 weeks or so and a peephole at the upcoming 4:

Oct. 20: After a visit to the doctor earlier that day where I was anesthetized, I head to the final mixing session for House of Blondes. You know it's official 'cos Paul's there (he's the drummer). That night, George Vitray wraps up that House of Blondes record we started recording in 1999. No one shows up at the wrap party.

(House of Blondes deserves its own post; and through most of September and October George and John and I were bunkered down. It's fun to make a record that takes nearly as long as 'Apocalypse Now' to make but doesn't involve cow butchering or Brando. Although George is like Brando in many ways...)

Oct. 26: Tony comes over and we work on Get Help songs for four hours, because he's signed us up for a show in Boston on Dec. 14th and we need material. Halfway through, his brother Mike comes over, whinges about his girlfriend, drinks some beer, and tells his brother that his songs are too long. We make some edits.

Oct. 27: Cardinals win the World Series. I walk home in the rain at 2am.

Oct. 28: With my new-ish Pro Tools setup, I meet Jeff Wiens at the Strikes Again! rehearsal space and he tracks some parts for 3-4 hours. Later that night, I see a Misfits cover band with JC from SA! and we stay up till 5 a.m.

Oct. 29: rehearse with Strikes Again!

Oct. 31: mix some rough ideas and email out to Strikes! guys. I've got my apartment wired so that I can record or mix at a whim. 10 years ago I read in a Bob Mould interview that he's got everything ready to go so that he can record in a moment's notice. This is when he lived in Texas, though; it's not as easy in a NY apartment. But it's close.

Nov. 1st: Strikes! rehearses again. John and John track some new bass, vocal and guitar parts.
Nov. 3rd: more recording with Jeff. I decide to go to Smoke and Mirrors the following weekend and lay down some drum tracks with Chris.

Nov. 4th-8th. I have no idea what happened. Honestly. I practiced my drum parts, I'm pretty sure I showed up at work...

Nov. 9th: rehearse with Tony on Get Help. He's enlisted a band of Boston friends (including drummer Dennis from his band the Beatings, one of my favorite drummers ever), and we're heading up to Boston the following weekend to play with them.

Nov. 11th: Stay up late writing lyrics to 3 Get Help Songs. It usually takes me 6 weeks to finish words to a song. Tonight it took me 5-6 hours. The key: repeat verses!

Nov. 12th: After being up most of the night, I head to S&M with John van atta and track drums for several hours. If you've caught a whiff of Strikes Again!, playing drums for several hours ain't like being in the Grateful Dead. It's painful. More takes ended by me smashing my hand with my stick than I care to remember.

All that being said, the new Smoke and Mirrors is kicking the Hope Street location, at least in terms of drum sounds. Those brand new Neve preamps kick a lot of ass, but Chris played us a few samplings of different combinations of mics, and even the one room mic and the Shure 57 stuck out in the hall with the doors closed sounded pretty awesome. Chris also said I'd become a much better drummer since I'd recorded last. That was pretty sweet to hear. Someone buy that kid a modem.

At the end of the session, George gives me a CD. I'm playing bass for a Via Skyway show on 12/2.

Nov. 13th: Tony and I trade emails and decide to head up to Boston this upcoming weekend to rehearse with our fledgling band; at least 4/5 of them. He casually mentions that we're performing live on a podcast called the Best of Boston. We tape this Saturday at 10/18; once I know when it airs, you'll hear more.

Last night: Get Help rehearsal. And now I have to sign off, because I'm leaving work early to go rehearse in Boston, where I'll spend 4 of the next 5 weekends.

December: I have three shows with three different bands; 12/2 with Via Skyway, 12/7 with Strikes! in Boston, 12/14 with Get Help in Boston.

So that's how it is. And as crazy as it all sounds, I don't know what else to do with my time. As long as one person reacts in a positive way to a piece of music I contributed to, this is how it will go.

Signing off and packing for Boston,



Blogger Tony Alva said...

I can't wait to hear the Strikes record! George is definately Brando.

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock and roll, get help
Rock and roll, get help
Rock and roll, get help
Rock and roll, get help
Rock and roll, get help
Rock and roll, get help

1:30 AM  
Blogger Jackson said...

I heard your drum tacks - Chris is right, and the hall mic is awesome!

11:11 AM  
Blogger Chrispy said...

As I've always said, most of the sound is in the musician.

Modem's up.

12:23 PM  
Blogger Mike Ingenthron said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:37 PM  

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