I'm a little dubious about this Police reunion. They sounded good enough at the Grammys I suppose but they appear to have no chemistry whatsoever. Maybe this is the result of seeing 'Does Everyone Stare' last year which reveals Stewart Copeland to be an unfeeling, uncaring robot (albeit an amazingly talented drummer and musician). If they were to make a sequel to 'The Wizard of Oz' where the Tin Man goes to the wizard to get his heart removed, they could cast Stewart Copeland in the role.
Is this just a money grab? I have no problem with that, the Sex Pistols did it, the Pixies did it. But Sting doesn't need the money. He obviously doesn't care that much about the music, listen to his last 17 records (ok, don't, I didn't). So why is he doing this? He strikes me as such a pompous ass, like he had a nasty fight with his wife and reformed the band out of spite to get back at her as if he's saying "Screw you, I'm going to Bonnaroo and fucking a tentload of hippies." Sounds like he's trading in tantric sex for tantrum sex.
Anyway, if I hear they're playing Synchronicity II and Bring on the Night I'm so there.